If you have directly landed here, and have questions about this whole “assignment” thing, you may read this first!

Now you are settled, the purpose of this assignment is to assess both manual and automation testing skills. You must complete both parts.

Automation Testing


  1. For script-review, you must use Github
  2. Create a free account on Github (if you do not have an existing account there!)
  3. Create a git repo for your code (take help of Google to know how-to in case you have never used git before)
  4. We will review your code only from Github, hence, please do NOT email your codes to our HR Team!

Documentation Process

  1. Create scripts for test cases given below on the Playwright framework.
  2. Keep all the automation code in Github root itself
  3. Create a Readme for your repo which will describe the following
    • A short description of the repo
    • How to set it up
    • How to run the code locally
  4. You can add screenshots to provide more details

Test Cases

Test ObjectiveExpected Result
Go to Amazon.comValidate Login
Product CheckoutShould be able to add product to cart and perform checkout action
Search FunctionalityValidate Search Result
Wishlist FunctionalityValidate Product Wishlist functionality

Help Manual

Document the flow of purchasing a product on Amazon, login, Checking Order History, and downloading invoices, do add the required screenshot to make it easy to understand. Create a google doc and share the link with us.

Manual Testing

  1. Please download the Manual Testing Readme.
  2. Do the UI testing of qa.rtcamp.net web page w.r.t Readme file you have downloaded.
  3. Make sure the website is tested against the major browsers with latest versions (e.g. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera).
  4. Also, check for responsiveness of the qa.rtcamp.net web page w.r.t below screen size[Portrait and Landscape mode both]
    • 360X640
    • 375X667
    • 414X736
    • 768X1024
  5. Mark the issues using GitHub issues. Use the same repo as the one used for Automation Testing. While marking GitHub issues, do proper use of GitHub labels . For priority and severity, do create custom GitHub labels.
  6. Attach the necessary screenshots to explain the bug description.
  7. Create the test cases and add this in GitHub readme. You can also add the Test Case Google sheet public link in GitHub readme.

Assignment Completed?

Share the GitHub repo link & Google doc link of Amazon documentation with us in response to the email you have received from our HR Team.