Regenerate Video Thumbnails

The rtMedia Encoding service is no longer available. If you are looking for an audio/video transcoding service, please consider Transcoder.
Transcoder was created by the rtMedia team and is fully functional with or without rtMedia.

Video thumbnails can be generated for videos uploaded through rtMedia’s Audio/Video encoding service. The number of video thumbnails to generate for each upload can be set from rtMedia > Settings > Media Sizes.(this option will only show if encoding service activated)thumbnail

Regenerate Single Video Thumbnail

To regenerate a single video thumbnail from the media library (Media > Library > Video from the left navigation menu):

  1. Mouse hover on video’s name in the library.
  2. Click Regenerate Thumbnail. Regenerate video thumbnail in media library

Regenerate Video Thumbnails in Bulk

Thumbnails can be regenerated for many videos at a time from Media > Library > Video:

  1. Select the videos for which thumbnails need to be regenerated.
  2. Select Regenerate Video Thumbnails from the Bulk Actions dropdown.
  3. Click Apply. Regenerate many video thumbnails through a bulk action

Regenerate Pending Thumbnails

Thumbnails for videos can be regenerated if they were added before signing up for the encoding service. This action can also be done if videos were added before the site’s rtMedia core was updated to v3.1.

Use these steps:

  1. Go to rtMedia > Regenerate Thumbnails rtMedia regenerate thumbnails link
  2. Click the Regenerate Pending Thumbnails button. rtMedia Regenerate Pending Thumbnails button


If you cannot find the thumbnail functionality or any of the links to help you regenerate thumbnails, follow these steps: 1. Go to rtMedia > Addons. 2. On the control area that appears, check to see if your API key is displayed. encoding UI3. If the API key is not shown, you will need to obtain one by signing up for any of our plans, which includes a free 10GB-per-month-bandwidth plan. To sign up for a plan, click Try/Now or Subscribe under a plan you choose from the Audio/Video Encoding tab under rtMedia > Addons. 4. The API key should be updated automatically. If for some reason the key is not updated, copy the API key emailed to you and paste it in the field Enter API Key. 5. Click Submit.