
rtCampers’ core contribution streak hits 22 with WordPress 5.7

WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” (named after Esperanza Spalding) was released yesterday.

A total of 481 volunteer contributors made this release happen. There were nearly 250 Trac tickets and 950 pull requests on GitHub. This is the 22nd consecutive release with contributions by rtCampers. Props to Sanket and Edi 🙌

WordPress 5.7 Features

“Bringing you fresh colors in the admin, simpler interactions in the editor, and controls right where you need them, WordPress 5.7 lets you focus on the content you create.”

Overall, the UI for the new editor is a lot smoother. The font-size controls are easier to find and reusable blocks are more stable.

Blocks and block patterns can be inserted using drag and drop, which is a really cool feature!

Switching a site from HTTP to HTTPS is now a one-click move. WordPress will automatically update database URLs.

There is a new Robots API, lazy-load for iFrames is smoother, and many more enhancements. Check out the field guide for more information.

Links: WordPress 5.7 Release post | 5.7 Handbook

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