Monthly Roundup – May 2024

Last updated on Sep 5, 2024

Monthly Roundup – May 2024

Featured image of rtCamp newsletter for May 2024

Hello! It’s been a busy May for us. We have soooo many updates, it’s a five course meal, really.

🫒 For the hors d’oeuvre, we have updates about our work with Google. As their partner on the Privacy Sandbox, we attended Google I/O to demonstrate the PSAT tool we’ve been building together. We’re also going to be at the Google I/O Connect events, so if you’re attending, make sure to catch us and pick our brains about the Privacy Sandbox. In case you’re not attending, request a free Privacy Sandbox audit. We’d be glad to help you get started with preparing your web properties for Chrome’s third-party cookie phaseout.

🍽️ For the appetizer, a much-needed comparison of Decoupled and Headless WordPress. Decoupled WordPress and Headless WordPress are two different things, often confused with each other. In the post we demystify both and settle the confusion once and for all.

🥗 For the salad, we have a new case study. We migrated Manheim from AEM to WordPress. The migration boosted their SEO, streamlined their content management, and eliminated developer dependency from publishing activities. Are you looking to move to WordPress? Fill this short contact form and we’ll get back to you pronto.

🍝 Now for the main course. We celebrated WordPress’ 21st birthday with a Contributors’ Week. We introduced newcomers to contribute to core, WP-CLI, translations, and more. The collective effort of sharing knowledge, strengthening the community and upholding the open-source ethos that goes beyond code is so inspiring to us.

🍮 Finally, here’s dessert! We’ve started our Campus Hiring Program for the year. Bringing young minds into the organization helps us grow and is the best antidote to eliminate any tunnel vision before it takes hold. We use it every year. Are you a final year student or a recent graduate? Apply now at and tell your friends too!

WordPress News Snippets

  • The State of Enterprise WordPress Survey 2024 is now open. If you’re a large-scale organization using WordPress, we request you to contribute to the survey. It will help us understand how we can strengthen the WordPress platform even further in order to better serve organizations like you.
  • WordPress launched a Blueprint Gallery. What are blueprints? Blueprints are pre-customized WordPress instances complete with plugins, themes, etc. that users can spin up on the WordPress Playground; as opposed to just a vanilla WordPress instance. What is the Blueprint Gallery? It’s a Github repo where developers and WordPress extenders can share these blueprints.
  • TranslatePress launched TranslatePress AI, a plugin with instant translation capabilities for multilingual websites. It leverages leading neural machine translation engines for maximum accuracy.
  • WordPress now natively populates the lastmod element in sitemaps.

From Around the Web

  • Project IDX, a cloud-based, AI-assisted workspace by Google for full-stack multi-platform app development, is now in open beta. 
  • GitHub’s Copilot Extensions lets developers ask questions about tools and services like Docker, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, and more within GitHub Copilot Chat and solve problems faster.

Upcoming Events

  • WordCamp Europe 2024 is from June 13 to June 15 in Torino, Italy. We’re going to be there, don’t forget to say hi! In related news, WCEU received patronage from the European Parliament. This is a powerful testament to the value of the WordPress project for businesses and the public.
  • WordCamp US 2024 tickets are now available. The four-day event offers workshops, sessions, and networking from September 17 to 20 in Portland, US. 

Blogs by rtCampers

Water Cooler

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Links: Google I/O 2024 Recap | Decoupled vs Headless WordPress | AEM to WordPress Migration | Celebrating 21 Years of WordPress | Campus Program | We’re hiring! | Meet us at WCEU

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Abhijit Prabhudan


Abhijit Prabhudan

Technical Writer


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