Get Best Blogger To WordPress Migration Service Absolutely Free

Published on Sep 13, 2010


More than 2-years back, I (Rahul Bansal) posted one of the first complete tutorial on Bloggers to WordPress migration which helped hundreds, if not thousand of bloggers around the globe to move to what can be described as the best blogging content-publishing platform of our time. Yes, I am talking about WordPress! 🙂

In those early days of my career, I helped many fellow bloggers migrate for free. More than a year later, that was followed by launch of this professional Blogger To WordPress migration service. Now, to complete the circle (heading of this section), we are giving our professional Blogger to WordPress migration service for FREE.

About Free Migration Offer…

blogger-n-hostgator-logo-big-size-300x2151-1The offer is very simple to explain: You are on, planning to migrate to WordPress (self-hosted).

To host WordPress, you need a web-hosting service. HostGator offers one of the most affordable hosting plans and they are famous for their amazing customer support.

So deal is – if you choose HostGator as your webhost for your wordpress blog, we will do your migration for free provided you use our promo code BloggerToWp during checkout process. For more details refer this page.


Everyone, who will benefit from this should thank to Jay Weissman, affiliate director at HostGator. It was his helping nature and promptness of replies which helped us launch this promo. Thanks Jay. 🙂

Link: Free Migration for HostGator Customers Promo

On this page


Authored by Rahul Rahul Rahul Bansal CEO


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