Monthly Roundup February 2020

Published on Mar 4, 2020

Greetings, everyone! 👋

The month of February didn’t turn out as expected but we surely have some news and updates that we want to share with you.

We were looking forward to an eventful WordCamp Asia in February but we were saddened to hear that it was canceled just a few days before the event.

Post cancellation, Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress, hosted a Pop-Up Livestream alongside a few WordCamp Asia speakers, including rtCampers Imran Sayed (slides) and Muhammad Muhsin (slides). 

In case you missed this live stream, you can check the recordings of Imran’s talk on Gutenberg and Muhammad’s talk on GraphQL.

Folks from across the globe tuned in to the live stream. The live chat and post-session QnA made both the talks quite interactive.

In other news, we have some updates from our rtMedia team. We have a new version release for rtMedia Core – v4.6.0 and minor updates for one of our rtMedia Membership add-on.  

On the 12th of March, we will officially be turning 11 years young. We had our celebrations well in advance, in January, during our annual company retreat a.k.a rtParty. Check out this Facebook album to have a glimpse at how our celebration was. 🎉

That is all for February, folks! See you next month. 👋

Links: rtParty 2020 album | rtMedia updates

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Authored by Sudeep Sudeep Sudeep Bhattacharya Author


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