Monthly Roundup – July 2024

Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Monthly Roundup – July 2024


We are seeing an uptick in the number of enterprises who are reaching out to us for platform migrations. 

Upcoming Drupal 7 end of life, and complex architectural changes in Drupal 10 have made enterprises rethink their CMS strategy. To address the same, this July, we continued with our series of posts about Drupal to WordPress migration.

We wanted to share as much as possible to help enterprises make an informed decision. Our series covers: 

Apart from migrations, another flavor of the season is Interaction to Next Paint, a key Core Web Vitals metric. We suspect INP scores are not letting marketers and SEO folks sleep peacefully. We got key folks from our performance team, to share their experience and expertise to help you improve INP scores

Last but definitely not the least, WordPress 6.6 “Dorsey” was released this July, featuring contributions from 23 rtCampers. The release featured enhanced block design options, quick page previews, plugin auto-update rollbacks, and performance improvements.

WordPress news snippets

From around the web

  • Switzerland now mandates open source software for the public sector. New law requires disclosure of source code for enhanced transparency, security, and efficiency.
  • Gartner forecasts the global IT spending to reach USD 5.26 trillion in 2024, a 7.5% increase. It also found AI investments to be significantly affecting the overall IT expenditure.
  • Amazon unveiled AWS App Studio, a generative AI tool for building enterprise applications. It enables non-developers to create applications using natural language prompts.
  • Meta released Llama 3.1 405B, its largest open-source AI model. In a related post, Mark Zuckerberg opined about the need to use open source for advancing a positive AI future. 

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