Introducing rtMedia Photo Watermark Add-On

Published on Aug 21, 2014

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new powerful add-on to our popular rtMedia plugin – rtMedia Photo Watermark.

As the name suggests it will let you add your own ‘watermark’ to images that are shared.


The watermarking functionality will be added to the images being uploaded via rtMedia plugin itself. Below is an image that displays the custom watermark added through rtMedia watermark add-on.


Image Credit: Bosash Photography

The site admin can currently

  1. Choose font from hundreds of font- families,
  2. Change size, color and position for the watermark text as per preferences and
  3. Save original image.

rtMedia Photo Watermark Settings

The watermark to the above image was added using following settings:

Settings to add your own custom watermark


You can check a live demo here Upload an image under your profile via rtMedia uploader and see watermark text on that image 🙂

Pricing and Availability

The rtMedia Photo Watermark add-on is available on the rtCamp store at a base price of $49 USD.

At every major release this add-on will have a price increase of $10 USD. The maximum price of this add-on will be $99 USD once all the features are released according to the development milestone plan. Folks who have purchased this add-on earlier will not have to pay a extra when new features are released.

Grab your copy today!

Links: Buy rtMedia Photo WaterMark Add-on  | Live Demo

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Authored by Nitun Nitun Nitun Lanjewar Author


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