rtPanel Crossed 5000 Downloads

Published on Feb 15, 2012

Its almost 5 months since rtPanel has been accepted in WordPress repository. We have marked yet another milestone of 5000+ downloads over there.

Many developers worldwide have adopted rtPanel framework for their WordPress theme development projects. To make their development experience easier, our dedicated support teams have been providing them free technical support . We are also writing case-studies about child themes developed over rtPanel to give a overview of rtPanel features.
We have received a good feedback from our beloved users and our research teams are working hard to make it implement those feedback and to make it a robust theme framework.

Soon, we will start our rtPanel theme showcase section to showcase the child themes developed over rtPanel by developers across the globe.

Thank you for your support and feedback.

On this page


Authored by Gajanan Gajanan Gajanan Sapate Author


  1. Congratulations !!!

  2. great news…..!!! keep on moving…..

    1. Thank you Sulistyo for your good wishes. 🙂

  3. Congrats for it.

    1. Thank you Chiranjeev.

  4. Congrats for the achievement. For me, it’s simple n yet powerful theme framework.

    1. Thank you Pankaj.

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