rtPanel is now in official WordPress Theme Directory

Published on Sep 10, 2011

The long wait for rtPanel is ended yesterday and it is our pleasure to announce that rtPanel is now available for download from wordpress.org directory.


Though rtPanel is well tested on more than 300+ projects before launch, the public launch has given us an opportunity to serve the larger masses.

rtPanel is not just a theme but a theme frame-work, which has been launched with a well-defined purpose to make the WordPress website development easy and to offer standard codes for developers to work upon. Though rtPanel is still in naive phase, soon we will be adding many exciting theme options & features to make the user experience even better.

A dedicated support forum will be started soon. Our expert technical team will be available to answer the questions and queries of developers/end-users to ensure that they will not face any problems while using the theme.

As they say, “The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step”; we are happy that we have taken that mighty step. Thanks to Matt Mullenweg’s post, 1.0 is the loneliest number which provoked us to take this mighty step!

Link: rtPanel in official WordPress theme directory

On this page


Authored by Gajanan Gajanan Gajanan Sapate Author


  1. This is really powerful framework. I have already installed it on one of my site. Thanks.

    1. Thank you Pankaj. We would love to see the theme you have developed using rtPanel framework. We may feature it on our upcoming theme showcase section on website.


  2. Hi Gajanan, I can see this framework is updated almost 6 months back, let me know if its still working on latest wordpress 3.5.1?

    1. @Kyle
      Yes, its compatible with latest WordPress version (3.5.1).

    2. @Kyle

      This is Rahul from rtPanel team. As Nitun already clarified, this framework is working on 3.5.1 and is in use on this site itself.

      Next version will be released in March. You can start using current version and upgrade to new version automatically when it will be released.

      You can subscribe here to get updates about rtPanel in future.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

  3. This is a Great framework, I Must Use it in my own wordpress Blog. Thank you very much for Sharing.

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