Expert insights





  • News

    InspireBook – First Premium Theme from rtCamp. Made 4 rtMedia!

    InspireBook is a premium WordPress theme, designed especially for BuddyPress and rtMedia powered social-networks.

  • News

    rtPanel Developer Update

    rtPanel Developer Update, Tweak for Setup rtPanel for Development, Automation Deployment, Fontello Icons and Handling Plugin CSS.

  • The rtPanel theme framework

    Themes from scratch vs Theme frameworks

    Thinking of creating a theme for your WordPress site It’s good to spend some thought on how themes are developed in the first place. All in all, a good theme framework will serve as a firm foundation for your future theme.

    The rtPanel theme framework
  • Work-From-Scratch

    Why we recommend working from scratch!

    There is a reason why rtCamp does not work on others code! This article explains it. This is how we manage to give “free bug-fixing support for life-time!”

  • News

    rtPanel new release 2.1

    Its about 8 months since rtPanel was launched and we have more than 8500 downloads. We have been constantly getting user feedback, criticism, appreciation and suggestions

  • News

    Fix rtPanel Child Theme For rtPanel-2.1

    We have recently released the major version of rtPanel, with loads of changes in markup and use of 960 gs; to make rtPanel more user friendly and inline with current technology trends.

  • News

    rtPanel Crossed 5000 Downloads

    Its almost 5 months since rtPanel has been accepted in WordPress repository. We have marked yet another milestone of 5000+ downloads over there.

  • News

    Fork rtPanel on GitHub!

    We are thrilled to announce this to fellow developer community that we have moved rtPanel theme framework development to GitHub! Now you can “fork” rtPanel and send “pull requests” at ease. 🙂