Affiliates earned $4123 during 2012-13

Published on Jul 18, 2013

I’ve observed that our affiliate program is highly underrated. In fact, not many people are even aware of the program.

rtCamp's affiliate program

But the fact is that it’s been working fairly well for quite a few people since 2010.

Just a quick look at the payout report for last year, and a couple of astonishing numbers stand out: We have paid USD 4123 to 13 affiliates during that period!

Our Top Affiliates for 2012-13

The affiliates listed below have earned the highest payouts last year. However, what makes these rtAffiliates so special for us is the fact that they’ve greatly boosted our reach as well.


He is a friend of rtCamp from India. Through his contacts he has generated a handsome commission of approximately $1850 last year. This person is already leading this year too! I really wish we could introduce him, but he has a genuine reason to stay anonymous.  We respect that.

Mr. Alan Robinson

Alan lives in Portland, Oregon, USA. He has earned $800 from our affiliate program.

Alan works in the field of web designing and branding, so if you’re in Portland and need a local point of contact for your work, you can definitely contact Alan.

Mr. Chintu Shahpura

Chintu lives in India and has earned approximately $557 through our program. He works with Jobbers’ Park (their parent company is EraTera). Jobbers’ Park is a revolutionary visual resume building web application. If you are looking for a job, give it a try!

Ms. Kendall Shiffler

Kendall lives in Texas, USA and has earned approximately $150 last year. She offers a wide range of services, from web design to website maintenance. Her clients use our Blogger To WordPress migration service.

Anonymous (another)

She’s our Affiliate from Mumbai, India, and has earned approximately $125. Her commissions have arrived mostly by referring friends to our services. She wants to remain anonymous, to avoid having to give her friends a treat!

So that was how we paid USD 3482 to our top 5 affiliates. Additionally, we paid another USD 641 to 8 different affiliates.

The Road ahead

The prospects for our affiliate program look good this year. We’re likely to reach the USD 10,000 mark for affiliate payouts by the end of 2013.

In just the first three months of this year, we crossed the USD 3000 mark.

With a new product line and more affiliate love from you, I’m confident the USD 10,000 affiliate payout milestone will soon turn into a reality!

Our affiliate program page is the one you might want to check out to discover more.

Link: Affiliate Program

On this page


Authored by Naweed Naweed Naweed Chougle Author


  1. Never knew about this . I have also shared about RTCAMP with many people 🙂 .


    1. @Manish

      Most our affiliates did not knew about this. 🙂

      Whenever win some business, we inform people who referred a client.

      Most likely, we failed to win business from your client or it wasn’t directly referred.

      Using affiliate link is the best way. Other way is to connect your contacts directly using email/phone.

  2. Awesome !!
    rtAffiliate program is truly not known to people. Bloggertowp was certainly making it visible before, but now as all services are merged under parent umbrella, its visibility is subdued.

    I wish 10,000+ mark will be crossed soon.


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