
BloggerToWp – New Portal To Help Bloggers Get Going With WordPress


After helping hundreds of bloggers migrate from to self-hosted wordpress blogging platform with our free plugin and free tutorial, we are glad to announce launch of our new portal –, Blogger To WordPress Migration Professional Service.

Apart from 100% search-engine friendly migration, we will be giving premium services like migrating images from to your WordPress server.

Check out portal itself for more details!


  1. Sumon Avatar

    Great Website Design. I like your Website Very Much !

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Thanks Sumon.
      Glad to know that you like the design. 🙂

  2. Ted M Avatar
    Ted M

    Definitely a Great Website Design. The site has pretty good on page SEO. It looks like you’re in the third position in the USA for “blogger to wordpress migration service” which is pretty good. You still are missing a huge opportunity with more competitive long tail keywords. The on page sales copy could be much stronger. Its a great start with lots of potential as more people discover that WordPress is the best blogging and content management system.

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Hi Ted,

      Glad to see your comment and suggestions. Thanks for taking time to check Blogger To WordPress migration service in details. 🙂
      We are planning for some new promos in coming month. Hope that will increase buzz about our service.


  3. Joseph Avatar

    i need some assistance from yours, hope i will get.!

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
  4. Joseph Avatar

    actually i have a blog, and i am facing problems with that. i don’t have any friends that who r bloging. so pls help me


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