
Get More from Connected Mailboxes in rtBiz Helpdesk

We have just rolled out a rtBiz Helpdesk update. Over the past month, we have taken some customer feedback and have added some useful and helpful features to rtBiz Helpdesk. Additionally we have even enhanced some of current features for a better user experience.

Select Assignee and Product for every Mailbox

The Helpdesk admin can now select an assignee and product for tickets created from mailbox emails. This means, now you can add multiple mailboxes for your different products with dedicated assignee for each of them.

rtBiz helpdesk mailbox selections

Outgoing Mailbox Selection

This is an enhancement that will be really helpful when you have multiple mailboxes configured and want to have same mailbox to send emails from which incoming mails are coming from. Previously, all outgoing mails had pre-defined global e-mail address.

Customer Name on the Ticket Listing

Now in the ticket listing, your staff can also see the customer who has created the ticket. This will make it easy if staff wants to find ticket of any customer.

rtBiz helpdesk ticket listing

Other Updates

Some updates under and just above the hood to improve performances. Plus some really subtle UX updates to the ticket interface.

Have Suggestions?

Reach out this link and submit the features you would like us to implement

Links: rtBiz Helpdesk | Demo | Buy Helpdesk


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