Let’s meetup at WordCamp Europe 2016

Published on Jun 21, 2016

Last year I attended WordCamp US in Philadelphia and PressNomics 4 in Phoenix, Arizona earlier in March. One great attraction while attending WordPress based conferences outside India, is the opportunity to meet people from literally around the world doing interesting and great things with WordPress.

WordCamp Europe 2016

On June 24th, WordCamp Europe 2016 will kick off in Vienna, Austria. I am attending WordCamp Europe for the first time. I would love to meet up with fellow community members.

You can view my entire Europe trip’s itinerary here. I am already in Europe and traveling to Vienna at the moment. I hope to reach there by 9PM (CET) today (21 June). I am online from free wifi on Railjet. Nice train. 🙂

You can either leave a comment here on this post or send out a tweet to me @rahul286. The best way to recognise me is to look for someone wearing a blue t-shirt with rtCamp logo. Below is a latest picture of me with my family.


Links: My complete itineraryWordCamp Europe 2016

On this page


Authored by Rahul Rahul Rahul Bansal CEO


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