
Monthly Roundup – December 2022

December 2022 Newsletter


In our first newsletter for 2023, we wish you all a great new year as WordPress celebrates its 20th birthday. The year 2022 had been monumental for the WordPress sphere, and we hope that 2023 will only get better!


WordPress News Snippets

  • During the State of the Word 2022 (SOTW) keynote address to the WordPress community, Matt Mullenweg shared about the progress and the way forward for WordPress and emphasized the potential of the block editing paradigm. He also unveiled the portal for WordPress’ 20th-anniversary celebrations.
  • As announced during the SOTW, WordPress began to add new taxonomies for the theme and plugin directories, with the ‘Community’ and ‘Commercial’ categorization
  • Additionally, featured at the SOTW, WordPress Playground, developed by core contributor Adam Zieliński using Web Assembly, can be used to test WordPress Themes and Plugins in-browser right now!
  • Block Protocol plans to ship its WordPress plugin in February 2023. It plans to develop a universal embeddable block system for the open web, that will be compatible with Gutenberg blocks.

From Around the Web

  • Vercel, which develops the Next.js frontend framework, launched a sharing and commenting functionality for the Preview Deployments feature on its platform. It enables highly visual online collaboration during the website and application development process. 
  • Stanford University researchers have found that developers utilizing AI Assistants often produce software containing security vulnerabilities. The paper “Do Users Write More Insecure Code with AI Assistants?” found security issues arising, especially around string encryption, and SQL injection.
  • Apple, Google, and Mozilla are collaborating on the development of a new version of Speedometer, a browser benchmarking tool. The open-source Speedometer-3 aims to test responsiveness by simulating user interactions on web applications. 
  • GitHub announced that its secret scanning partner program is being opened to all public repositories for free. This will enable developers to track any publicly exposed secrets in their public GitHub repository.

Water Cooler

Popular on our #watercooler Slack channel.

That’s all, see you next month!

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