We are proud Sponsors of WordCamp Bangkok 2017

Published on Feb 17, 2017

Sponsors of WordCamp Bangkok WCBKK WCBangkok 2017 blog header

The third edition of WordCamp Bangkok is on the same weekend as WCKochi, which we recently posted about. We are sponsors of both events, but cannot attend either in full strength because of the logistics involved.

Sessions at WCBangkok will be in both English and Thai. Response toward the event has been amazing- all 300 tickets have long since sold out. One thing that I wish catches on at all WordCamps is the Social media stream on the WCBKK website. Keep an eye on it!

Rahul Bansal will be our lone physical representative in Bangkok. He left for Thailand a couple of days back and will be there until the day after WordCamp. As usual, you can expect posts about our experience at the WordCamps that we attend- check out our previous experiences here.

The hosts of WCBKK have done a great job at making Rahul feel welcome, but too much love has never hurt anyone. 😉 Look for Rahul in his rtBlue tee, he would love to meet you.

Links: WordCamp Bangkok | Session schedule | Social media stream

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Authored by Joel Joel Joel Abreo Senior Project Manager


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