rtCamp Reincarnated!

Published on Jul 15, 2010
rtCamp Homepage - From New Website

Hello World!

After 6 months of hard-work, rtCampers launched rtCamp’s new portal!

We had finished a lot of the work before, but as we have used many WordPress 3.0 feature is this new theme. Hence, we had to wait until a final & stable WordPress 3.0 got released.

Needless to say, this is our best work, in terms of creativityand technologies used. 

jQuery & CSS3 is used extensively but special care has been taken to make sure that site works well enough on browsers like IE7.

The beauty of this entire new look is that the entire site more or less works even if javascript is disabled. Nothing would look broken even if you open this site in a browser with no support for CSS3.

Above all, this new site scores Grade-A for more than 90% pages in Y-Slow tests. And for rest it scores Grade-B.



As a matter of the fact, every rtCamper contributed in some way to the new portal but there are some people whose names deserve special mention here.

The whole project could not have been complete with our graphic designer Umesh Katkar. His amazing photoshop skills helped us go through many iterative ideas and rough drafts.

Thanks to rtCampers and specially to our COO Ashish Singh, we got too many creative ideas for design for our new online home.

Then comes our senior developer and founding member Santosh Kamble. If you like the flying clouds on our homepage or most of javascript in site, they are all by Santosh.

If you are viewing this site in IE7 or Opera, the credit goes to Saorabh Kumar.

We have used many WordPress 3.0 features in this theme. I will take credit for adding custom post-type support which we are using to manage our portfolio with some help from Pragati Sureka, our senior developer who is famous for staying up to date with the WordPress world.

Finally, special thanks to Nitun Lanjewar for spending time in adding content to our portfolio and Parshawa Nemi Jain for proof-reading as well as cleaning up my mistakes in the content.

You can see all rtCampers here! 🙂

No donut for IE6 users

IE6-RIP-Stone Our team-mate Saorabh who took care of cross-browser compatibility for IE7, opera, and others was interested in taking some efforts to make this portal work in IE6 also. But since a long time, we wanted to stop providing support for IE6.

As this is not a client project, we thought this is right time to join the revolution!

Leaving IE6 behind so feels good that we will definitely stop supporting IE6 for all our internal projects and we will try our best to pursue our friends, clients & associates to do the same. 🙂

Update: We “fixed” our design in IE6. See how it looks here! 😀

Things to do

Adding all great work we did over a year will take some time. So keep watching our portfolio here.

There may be some minor tweaks and a bug or two that we will find and fix over the time.

Then there is an ongoing task of keeping our official blog updated and optimizing this site for search engine (SEO). We don’t care much about SEO in general but this new portal has very little text so doing some SEO will be a good idea.


Thank you world for giving us plenty of opportunities to server you. 🙂

We hope you like this work and will spend the time to give your honest feedback. The comment form is awaiting you below! 😉


As the design of our site changed again over time, below is a video screencast of what we built in 2010!

On this page


Authored by Rahul Rahul Rahul Bansal CEO


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