
Meet rtCamp – first VIP partner from Asia

Yes! rtCamp has made it to the super-exclusive and well-respected VIP Featured Partner list. 🙂


We are not only the first Indian company to achieve this, but also the first one from Asia. The fact that Asia has almost 60% of world’s population makes this is even more significant. Coincidentally, W3Tech survey suggests that WordPress has almost a similar CMS market share among sites they monitor.

We not only represent a WordPress agency, but also a region which is often associated with people doing low quality work for dirt cheap rates. We hope this achievement will bring some change in this perception.

We hope this will encourage other WordPress agencies to contribute more to open-source and the community. We firmly believe the thing that helped us the most was contributing back to the WordPress community in different ways. In the end it’s all about karma!

I am feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment. When I started using WordPress back in 2007, as a student and as a blogger, I had no idea what it will lead to!

I personally thank every rtCamper, past and present, for their contribution and thanks to our clients, associates and friends who helped us all along.

We look forward to build stronger relationship with the VIP team and other partner agencies.

Excited for the onward journey… 🙂

♥ WordPress!

Links: VIP Partner Page | Announcement Post


  1. Puneet Sahalot Avatar

    Congratulations Rahul and to the entire rtCamp team!

  2. Mridul Saikia Avatar
  3. Sister Therese Rich Avatar

    Congratulations! Well done! Happy to be associated with rtCamp

    The Ursuline Sisters of Yougstown

  4. Sri Avatar

    Awesome news! Congrats to the team.

  5. Robin Bernstein Avatar
    Robin Bernstein

    Congrats, team.

  6. Simrandeep Singh Avatar

    Congratulations Rahul (y)

  7. Makarand G. Mane Avatar

    Rahul Sir, Heartiest congratulations!!! (y) and congrats your team….

  8. Sandeep Kumar Avatar
    Sandeep Kumar

    My heartiest congratulations to Rahul sir & team on rtCamp’s
    achievement!!!, you really deserve it 🙂

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar

      Thanks. Same to you 🙂

  9. Deepak Jain Avatar

    Congratulations, Rahul and team! 🙂

    1. rahul286 Avatar

      Thanks Deepak 🙂

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