rtCamp’s New Site “works” in IE6 now! 😀

Published on Jul 17, 2010

After launching new design a few days back, many users asked us to fix our new design IE6.

We deliberately left our design broken in IE6 as IE6 irritated our web-designers for years. It was kind of our revenge. 😉

Anyway… keeping in mind user feedback we decided to spend some time today to fix our site in IE6.

If you have any IE6 around you, just open our site in IE6. For those who are lucky enough NOT to have any IE6 in their vicinity, you can check the following screenshot… 😀


p.s. This post is filed under achievements. Yes, its an achievement for us, to give IE6 treatment it deserves! 😉

Links: YouTube Video of New Design | New Design faster than Google.com Homepage

On this page


Authored by Rahul Rahul Rahul Bansal CEO


  1. That’s something similar to bits360 site I saw years back. It came up with changing background colors and it was a great pain to one’s eyes..!!!

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Well I don’t know about bit360 site but in our case we are displaying some error message only.
      I hope this small amount of text will reduce duration of pain! 🙂

      1. There are no words to dsebcrie how bodacious this is.

  2. good one

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Thanks Satish.
      Feels better to get acknowledged by fellow designers. 🙂

  3. It is better to make the website compatible to all the browsers…many still use the old IE 😛

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      I agree with you that many still uses IE6.
      But as this is our company site and it is mainly created for clients, partners, colleagues and developers i.e. people who have less chances of using IE6, we took the chance.
      Any real IE6 user, coming to our site will be useless to us in most cases.
      If he is a developer, we won’t work with him.
      If he is a client, they will not be looking for services which we provide usually.
      Our all services are centered around bloggers and publishers using WordPress.

      In the end, satisfaction maters more than few bucks! 😉

  4. Cool. BSOD for browsers.

    I liked your perspective. Others simply used notifications and pop-ups but this is something users cant ignore.

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Yep. This is first time we decided to take “special care” of IE6.
      We never used pop-ups or warning messages before.
      So first attempt has to be “special”! 🙂

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