BuddyPress Media 2.7 with Activity Uploads and Lightbox released

Published on Mar 21, 2013

BuddyPress Media 2.7

Yesterday, rtCamp released BuddyPress Media 2.7. This release is one of the most important one in recent times. With this release we start testing the BuddyPress 1.7 waters. Based on our expreience, we are rolling out UI changes that had been pending for a long time.

Activity Uploader

BuddyPress Media 2.7 now includes an activity media uploader. Users can attach one or many images, videos or audio or a combination of them in their status updates. Now, sharing updates and media happens within the same interface.

BuddyPress Media 2.7 with Activity Uploader

BuddyPress Media 2.7 Status with Media attachments

Media Slideshow

Viewing media gets easier with a Facebook style slideshow. This ajax powered feature includes regular media actions like commenting and favouriting within the slide. Browsing media and navigation get simpler with previous/next buttons. You can also navigate with the keyboard previous and next keys.

BuddyPress Media 2.7 Slideshow Preview

Support multiple audio/video formats

You can let your users upload media in any format and convert them on the fly to the supported MP3 and MP4 formats. Our BuddyPress-Media FFMPEG addon and BuddyPress-Media Kaltura addon can automatically convert videos and audio from many formats. You can purchase these from our store, today.

Link: Download BuddyPress Media | Demo

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Authored by Saurabh Saurabh Saurabh Shukla Author


  1. Great news. But why image uploaded in activity stream do not open in Lightbox?

    1. @rkarel Now it does. Please upgrade to 2.7.2

  2. Mauricio Avatar

    Excellent! I was expecting it.

    1. Thanks for your appreciation! 🙂

  3. Chicagohparties Avatar

    Thank you for adding the option to disable the lightbox. Have you looked at it on an iPhone ? A lightbox Is virtually useless on an iphone.

    1. @Chicagohparties
      The light box is still very rudimentary and will be improved upon in subsequent releases.
      However, this is still a theme dependent functionality, so we just pushed the bare minimum. Of course, we’ll make it responsive. However, special handling of iPhones and really small screens will be done a little later.
      Could you log this onto our issues list on Github: http://github.com/rtCamp/budypress-media/issues/?
      so, we will start work on it as well.

  4. I just updated to the latest version so that I could utilize the lightbox feature on media in the activity, however commenting isn’t working for lightboxes launched from the activrty feed. When a user tries to post a comment they are given the following error

    “Please do not leave the comment area blank.”

  5. This plugin is the missing link to have nearly all the features of a facebook like wall. I would expect this to be integrated into buddypress itself soon. Can you comment on that perhaps if there are any plans of this being integrated as native BP functionality?


    1. Saurabh Shukla Avatar
      Saurabh Shukla

      Hi ganador,

      Thanks for the appreciation. As far as we understand, media is going to remain a plugin territory for a long while. Meanwhile, we have been busy reworking and extending the functionality. That has also led to a rechristening of BuddyPress Media to rtMedia

  6. Can i use attach media button to comments also?

    1. Naweed Chougle Avatar
      Naweed Chougle

      Right now, there’s no feature to add media to comments in rtMedia, but the team is working to include this in a future release.

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