
rtPanel Developer Update

As you know, we have released rtPanel based on Grunt, Bower and Foundation. If you are starting with WordPress theme development using rtPanel theme framework, then check the below points which will help you for theme development.

Setup rtPanel for Development

Before starting with development, you will need to setup node.js, Grunt, Bower and Foundation. Here you can find the steps to setup rtPanel for development.

Fontello fonts in rtPanel

For custom icons we have used Fontello icons. You can add required fontello icons by updating config.json file in assets/fontello/ location. Just follow the easy steps given in this tutorial.

Plugin Support

rtPanel has inbuilt support for multiple plugin as listed below,

  • bbPress
  • BuddyPress
  • Contact Form 7
  • Jetpack by
  • Ninja Forms
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • rtMedia Pro
  • rtPanel Hooks Editor
  • rtSocial
  • rtWidgets
  • Subscribe To Comments Reloaded
  • WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast
  • Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

These all plugin style load by default in theme’s style.css. If you are not using any of the plugin listed above, then you can remove that extra code from style.css to reduce file size. Handling plugin CSS is the best way to remove extra plugin CSS from style.css, so that you don’t have to search and remove style manually.

Automation Site Deployment

Yes, rtPanel can deploy WordPress site on the staging or live server, you will need to provide server and database details in Gruntfile.js file. Kindly check the steps given in this tutorial. This will deploy your site on the staging or live server in one go.

Download rtPanel from WordPress theme repository, or you can fork rtPanel on GitHub. We would really appreciate the further improvement suggested or bugs reported by the community.

Useful link: Developer Documentation


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