rtPanel Example Child Theme Released

Published on Oct 14, 2011

Hello Folks.

Now, tweaking rtPanel will be even more easier. As we have released a child theme with rtPanel.

What is Child Theme :

Child themes inherits the functionality of parent theme (rtPanel). You can tweak the child themes without touching the codes of core theme framework.

Why to use Child theme:

  • We are providing child themes with a limited set of required files. So that you can concentrate more on visual appeal and functionality.
  • The parent theme comes with multiple set of files, which are not needed while theme development or which may consume more time and efforts. The child theme overcomes this issues. The philosophy of Do More, Write Less fits perfect here. 🙂
  • You can have multiple child themes, so that you can switch between the themes to have different layouts and color combination frequently. 😉
  • As now you will be tweaking the child theme, the codes of parent theme will remain intact.
  • The child theme will not break while regular rtPanel updates.

For any technical questions and queries, please visit our Support Forum. Play around the child theme and come-up with new and exciting designs. You can submit your designs to us, the best designs will be showcased in ‘Theme Showcase’ section of our website.

Download rtPanel Child theme

On this page


Authored by Gajanan Gajanan Gajanan Sapate Author


  1. This theme is exactly what i needed. 🙂 Thanks!

    Question: How do i go about changing the default Navigation Page links to Categories?

    1. Thank you for good words. 🙂

      I would appreciate, if you will place your question in ‘Support Forum’ . Answer to your question will be a helpful resource to rest of the community as well.


  2. Im not a developer or any tech savy but i love the theme…thanx sooo much 🙂

    1. Thank you for appreciation.

      rtPanel has been made so easy that end users can also use it easily. Further more if you face any difficulty, we are here to provide any technical support.

      You can ask your questions in ‘End-User Support Forum’.


  3. It would be nice if you could provide a link to theme demo.
    For now, I will download and try it out 🙂

    1. Nice suggestion Puneet. Thanks.

      Do put in your observations / suggestions after trying out child theme.

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