rtPanel new release 2.1

Published on Jun 14, 2012

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

At rtCamp we are striving to bring that positive change, which impacts lives of millions of users who are/will be using our products.

Its about 8 months since rtPanel was launched and we have more than 8500 downloads. We have been constantly getting user feedback, criticism, appreciation and suggestions. Considering user demands and current technology trends we decided to do some major changes in rtPanel Framework to make it more quality oriented and to enhance the user experience.

Quick WordPress Approval:

Surprisingly rtPanel version 2.1 is approved in less than 10 hours by WordPress theme review team as there were no errors reported. Now, the new version is available for users to download.

rtPanel Released

Below are the changes in this major release:

  1. New Look: The default design has been improved with more polished look, better icons and styles.
  2. 960gs: The new version is developed over 960 grid system. It will ensure the better visibility and control in all screen resolutions
  3. HTML5 and CSS3: We are following the technology trends and hence now new release will support HTML5 and CSS3 to make it more browser friendly and light.The framework should be minimal and hence we have removed some non-essential CSS files and made the framework more robust; with cleaner CSS. Now overriding of parent CSS in child themes would be easier.
  4. Responsive Design: This release is also a responsive design, which will support (render equally good) iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android, tabs and BlackBerry Mobile Devices.
  5. bbPress Support: Unlike old version, new version will have the bbPress support as well. It means that rtPanel users can have forums on their site.

The new version has already been approved by WordPress and is available to download. You can also fork it on GitHub and see the latest development.

Please note that as its a major release; CSS may break since we moved to HTML5 markup and added 960gs grid support. If you face any difficulty, please feel free to contact our Support Forum, we would always be there to answer your concerns.

We will soon release a small version for WordPress 3.4 features’ support. So stay tuned. 🙂

Important Links:

On this page


Authored by Gajanan Gajanan Gajanan Sapate Author


  1. great news from the great theme framework development. Unfortunately I couldn’t implement the new release on my blog in such straight off since the new parent theme update (both through update and fresh install) broke my old child theme, thus it seem that I have to re-build my (old) child theme from the scratch first to make my blog (old child theme) back to its original-shape.

    Thanks for rtCampers for the great work…

    1. Hi Sulistyo,

      Thanks for stopping by and your reply.
      Our team is already in touch with you on support forum.

      Feel free to ask for any level of help you need.

  2. Thanks for considering “Responsive Design” and implementing the same in rtPanel. I like this HTML5 version and expecting some child themes on the same.

    1. Hello Bharat.
      Thank you for appreciation. We will soon release some child themes for users.


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