
Introducing Shmart Addon for Easy Digital Downloads

It has been a year, since we started using Easy Digital Downloads. Since we are based out of India, we wanted to make it easy for our Indian users to make payments using Shmart payment gateway.

Shmart is an Indian payment gateway. It allows users to make payments in INR currency. You can check out more details at In India Shmart is one of the few payment gateway which allows to sell software.

Shmart Addon for Easy Digitial Downloads plugin

Since there was no ready made solution, we developed an addon for Easy Digital Downloads that allows users to accept money in INR currency using Shmart service from India.

We have been using this addon on our own store along with Easy Digital Download for a while now. After polishing the code a bit, we are now releasing it as an premium plugin.

Here is a short video demo of the plugin.


The price of this plugin is $49 USD for a single site licence.

You can read the complete documentation here.


Related: Are you running an e-commerce store on WordPress? Try out rtBiz Helpdesk.


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