We want to let you in on a little secret. If you join us or meet us in person, you’ll realize that none of us have dark circles. How do we manage to pull this off?
The Secret
At rtCamp, we work with partners and clients across the world. Over our 15-year journey of building enterprise-grade solutions using open-source technologies, we have realized that the key to not having dark circles is time zone overlap.
Time zone overlap is the period in which the working hours of teams spread across different locations intersect. It makes remote work work and also makes it enjoyable. We work async for the majority of the time in our own time zones. During the overlap, standups, team syncs or discussions are planned with client teams over Zoom calls, Slack, MS Teams, etc. Other than that, rtCampers can choose their own work timings.
It’s a win-win for everyone! Our clients always get timely support from our globally distributed team of 180+ rtCampers, and our teams save some money that they otherwise would have spent on cucumbers!
We believe good physical and mental well-being leads to better productivity. Time zone overlap is one of the ways we ensure well-being of our colleagues.

Now that you know…
Now that you know our secret, join us and be a part of the exclusive #NoDarkCircles gang! We have several open positions you can explore, and if you have a unique skill for which we haven’t thought of a role yet, you can even craft your own job. We look forward to working with you!
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