
Level up your WordPress skills this weekend


About 25 rtCampers will be attending WordCamp Mumbai in 3 days’ time.

The organizers of the largest (objectively) WordCamp in India are expecting about 600 WordPressers, including speakers and volunteers. With a great line-up of speakers and the massive attendee list, we are looking forward to polishing up our skills and meeting other WP enthusiasts 😉

The trip to Mumbai will bring up a lot of fond memories from our pasts visits. We are a Gold Sponsor for the event and are honored to be able to support & give back to a community that has been so welcoming to us over the years.

Our very own Rahul Bansal will be speaking at WCMumbai about “Writing PHP – The WordPress Way!“. The session will highlight some common mistakes that PHP devs make, how to remedy them & the benefits of doing so. Do drop by if you are looking to level up your WordPress PHP skills.

Lets meet up!

WCMumbai is a two day event with ample time to socialize. You can catch us at our sponsor’s desk or by looking for our rtBlue tees.

We would love to speak about WordPress, sports, food or anything else- in English,  हिन्दी,  मराठी or ગુજરાતી. See you there!

Links: WordCamp Mumbai | Join the rtFamily


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