WordPress 4.2 with contributions from 11 rtCampers in total

Published on Apr 24, 2015


WordPress 4.2 ‘Powell’ was released yesterday. It was named in honour of jazz pianist Bud Powell. There are many new features with WordPress 4.2 with extended character support, the ability to browse and preview themes from Customizer, more support for embeds with links from Tumblr.com and Kickstarter now included.

You can read complete details at the WordPress 4.2 release post.

rtCampers’ contribution in WordPress 4.2!

At rtCamp, we love contributing to open-source projects. WordPress 4.2 is the 7th consecutive version where someone from rtCamp has contributed to core. Many thanks to Dipesh Kakadiya, Sagar Jadhav, Ankit Gupta, Ritesh Patel, Paresh Radadiya and Mehul Kaklotar who have contributed to version 4.2.

We celebrated their contribution by cutting a cake, which by now has become more of a tradition whenever a new version of WordPress is released.


It is also great to see a few ex rtCampers like Ankit Gade, Harish Chaudhari, Udit Desai, Ravindra Pal Singh and Abhishek Kumar as contributors for this version. We thank them as well as every WordPress contributor for making WordPress better. 🙂

Compatibility with WordPress 4.2

If you are using rtCamp’s plugins or themes, be rest assured they are all compatible and tested for WordPress 4.2. If you have questions you can ask at our Community Forums.

Link: WordPress.org Release Post | rtCamp’s WordPress Core Contributions Archive

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Authored by Aditya Aditya Aditya Kane Author


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