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Last updated on Oct 28, 2024

WordPress vs Sitecore: Security

If you go with managed solutions for Sitecore (via Sitecore Cloud) and WordPress (via WordPress VIP, for instance), with both, you’re entitled to enterprise-grade security. Since both are managed solutions, the platforms offer advanced tools and protections. 

That said, you still need to play an active role in securing your digital ecosystem. For instance, while Sitecore XM Cloud takes a comprehensive approach to security, your CMS’s “heads” still need to be properly secured to ensure that the overall infrastructure is protected.

The same also holds for WordPress in headless setups—frontends need to be secured too. 

In general, when it comes to comparing managed solutions from Sitecore and WordPress for security, WordPress customers even report savings from cutting back on their security teams:

“We’re really pleased with WordPress VIP’s commitment to cybersecurity and the way that they store their data and all the various checks and balances to keep somebody from being able to get access to our site.” —a WordPress VIP user.


Authored by Disha Disha Disha Sharma Content Strategist