CDN77 Configuration with W3 Total Cache WordPress

In this tutorial we will show you how to configure CDN on with W3 TOTAL CACHE.

Configuring CDN with CDN77 on your WordPress is really easy with some simple steps:
  1. Go to and login there.
  2. Under CDN tab click on New CDN Resource.add-new-cdn
  3. Under Original section,  enter your hostname where you want to configure CDN.
  4. Under CNAMEs section, enter CDN hostname e.g. (You can choose any name of your choice).create-cdn
  5. Again go to CDN tab, you can see newly created  CDN there, click on manage button.
  6. Go to Instructions tab and copy CNAME Record for DNS Settings, your host will be
  7. Go to domain registration account where your website is registered (We are taking example of GODADDY).
  8. Go to DNS Zone file, click on Edit button.edit-dns
  9. Under CNAME section click on Quick Edit.
  10. Add cdn hostname under Host Section and add CNAME Record (that you copied while creating CDN) under Points to Section.add-cname
  11. Now go to your WordPress Website’s admin page and then go to W3 TOTAL CACHE General Settings.
  12. Under CDN Section Click on Enable checkbox and set CDN Type to Generic Mirror.cdn-settings
  13. Now Go to Performance > CDN and add your CDN Hostname there.w3-total-cache-add-cdn
  14. Click on Save settings.

Now you have configured CDN on CDN.NET with W3 Total Cache.