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Optimizing TCO and Fueling Growth for Our Partners With Staff Augmentation

With handpicked talent and rigorous training, rtCamp’s Staff Augmentation service helps enterprise partners scale their WordPress teams, reducing onboarding time and optimizing TCO.

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  • dynamic-social-image

    Filter query string for Redis-Nginx cache

    In EasyEngine the page cache is being stored and retrieved by Nginx from Redis. It first creates a cache key and stores the HTML content as value. By default in EasyEngine, if the request comes with query parameter(s) then Nginx skips caching and sends the request directly to PHP. This mechanism works fine for the […]

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    Configuring HTTP/2 Server Push

    Nginx introduced HTTP/2 Server Push with NGINX 1.13.9. To upgrade Nginx to the latest version, 1.14.0, just run # ee stack upgrade –nginx You can check the version using # nginx -v nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (EasyEngine) Configuration To configure HTTP/2 Server Push, you will have to use TLS(SSL). Almost all modern browsers will only support […]

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    WordPress with Kubernetes using Minikube and Helm on localhost (MacOS)

    Setup WordPress locally on MacOS using Kubernetes, Minikube, Helm. Also covers VirtualBox, Xhyve and MacOS native Hyperkit hypervisor.

  • dynamic-social-image

    Docker and WordPress [WIP]

    Work in Progress The goal is to cover: Covered so far:

  • Version Constraints

    As you start using Composer to manage your dependencies, you need to take care specifying correct version of packages. Most often you would specify a range because you don’t want to edit composer.json file every time a minor plugin update gets a release. Version Constraint The composer has many ways to specify version constraints and […]

  • dynamic-social-image


    We use and recommend omnibus method with latest Ubuntu LTS. Install Gitlab-CE Package #Install and configure the necessary dependencies sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfix #Add the GitLab package server curl -sS https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ce/script.deb.sh | sudo bash #install the package sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce #Configure and start GitLab sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure Configure All Gitalb related configurations are […]

  • dynamic-social-image


    We prefer Gitlab Multi Runner Link: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/linux-repository.html Install #Install Docker curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh # For Debian/Ubuntu curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/script.deb.sh | sudo bash # apt-pinning cat > /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-gitlab-runner.pref <<EOF Explanation: Prefer GitLab provided packages over the Debian native ones Package: gitlab-ci-multi-runner Pin: origin packages.gitlab.com Pin-Priority: 1001 EOF # For Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install gitlab-ci-multi-runner Register […]
