
Since we moved to PHP 5.5 and it’s built in zend opcache, we decided to stop using APC.

Since zend opcache filled opcaching need only, we needed something for data-cache. There is one APC fork trying to extract data-caching code on Github. But we wanted something stable and mature so we choose to go with memcache.

I always hated presence of php5-memcache and php5-memcached – two solutions for similar needs. I read this and this and many more threads but could reach a conclusion.

Actually for our trivial needs both extensions should work fine. But we (forced) to choose php5-memcache as w3-total-cache doesn’t support only this!


apt-get install memcached php5-memcache
service php5-fpm restart


Increase Max Memory memcache can use

By default, its 64MB. You may need more.

  1. Open /etc/memcached.conf 
  2. Look for value -m 64
  3. Change it to -m 1024
  4. Restart memcached  service memcached restart

Move PHP’s session storage to memcache

Open /etc/php5/mods-available/memcache.ini

Add following lines:

session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = "tcp://localhost:11211"

Extra: Since memcached can works in multiserver mode, you can share session across server. Google for more info on this. I will post our config when we will write one! 😉

Changes in w3-total-cache plugin

In w3-total-cache plugin you need to choose memcache as backend for object-cache and database-cache.

Web-based Stats Viewer for Memcache

There are many but we choose phpmemcacheadmin

cd /var/www/
mkdir mem && cd mem
tar -xvzf phpMemcachedAdmin-1.2.2-r262.tar.gz
chmod +r *
chmod 0777 Config/Memcache.php