Google I/O 2024 Recap

Last updated on Sep 5, 2024

Google I/O 2024 Recap

Featured image of Google I/O 2024 Recap post by rtCamp

Hello! We’re back from sunny California with a few tan lines. Here’s our recap of Google I/O 2024.

Being Google’s partner on the Privacy Sandbox initiative, rtCampers Rahul and Mohammad spent most of their time at the Privacy Sandbox booth. We demonstrated the Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool (PSAT) that we’ve been building with Google to an overwhelming number of attendees. We conducted 100+ website audits over a period of two days along with Alberto Medina and the Privacy Sandbox dev-rel team. Together, we were a team of 10+ people but still struggled to keep up with the crowd! 

Apart from the booth, Sam Dutton and Erin Walsh from Google presented a talk on Privacy Sandbox, covering PSAT.

What’s next?

One of the key learnings from our interactions was that as much as the developer community is aware of Chrome’s third-party cookie phaseout and even its timeline, most of them are unaware of the Privacy Sandbox APIs that provide alternative solutions for many use cases such as single sign on, personalization, and advertising.

We’re looking forward to connecting and sharing knowledge with more developers and website owners at the upcoming Google I/O Connect events, including Bengaluru on July 17, Berlin on June 27, and Beijing from August 7-8. Make sure to catch us there!

In case you’re not attending the I/O Connect events, you may contact us with your 3PCD queries or even request a Privacy Sandbox audit for your web properties, entirely on us.

Links: Learn more about 3PCD | PSAT Chrome Extension | Request a free Privacy Sandbox audit

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