
Meet rtCamp at WordCamp Pune 2015

WCPune-LogoOne thing we love at rtCamp is meeting fellow WordPress and FOSS enthusiasts. We have our physical office in Pune and hence WordCamp Pune being held on 6th September, 2015 is very close to our heart.

Pune has a very active WordPress community. There are several freelancers and many small & medium sized companies who work on WordPress here. It is no surprise that the majority of WordPress core contributions from India are from people living in Pune.

So rtCampers are really looking forward to meet all types of WordCampers at WordCamp Pune.

Say Hello!

The organisers have been kind enough to give us a sponsor desk at the venue.

We will have many rtCampers available at the desk. If you want to discuss anything about WordPress, get a demo of our products or are curious about working with us, do feel free to approach us and say “Hello” to someone at the rtCamp sponsor desk.

Free rtBiz License

If you ever wanted a full-fledged helpdesk on WordPress, you may like to try our latest premium WordPress plugin called rtBiz Helpdesk.  At WordCamp Pune, you can get a demo and one-year free license for the same. 🙂

Hope to see you very soon at WordCamp Pune 2015. 🙂

Link: WordCamp Pune 2015


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