Monthly Roundup January 2020

Published on Feb 3, 2020

Hello everyone! 👋

If the new year celebration wasn’t enough, we had another round of celebration in the form of our annual party – rtParty 2020! 🎉

rtParty has become even more exciting as most rtCampers now work remotely. We all gathered in Goa, India and spent two days partying there. You can have a look at some of the moments in a Facebook album here.

Do check out our Careers Page to join us and be a part of the next rtParty. 😉

Getting back to the work, we published a detailed case study for our work with the Mortgage Bankers Association. This is the same project that was featured in the annual “State of the Word” talk by Matt at WordCamp US 2019.

Mortgage Bankers Association – Case Study

The case study explains in detail how we simplified the newsletter creation process which would earlier take up an entire day. Now it takes 10 minutes. Yep, 600 seconds! 😎

Releases and Updates 🚀

rtMedia 🎬

In rtMedia, we have some new updates for our premium add-ons – rtMedia Default Albums and rtMedia Favorites. Check out the changelog and update them to the latest version today.

If you’re enjoying rtMedia, you also might want to read some insightful How-To articles about some of our top-selling rtMedia add-ons.

EasyEngine ⚙️

We have released the latest versions of EasyEngine – v4.0.16 and v4.0.17. These releases come with some minor fixes and some added features. Learn more about these versions here.

We also had some minor releases for Nginx Helper in v2.2.0 and v2.2.1. These releases come with code update (in line with the WordPress Coding Standard), the introduction of new filters and a few more. Check out all the changes here.

Upcoming Events ✈️

WordCamp Asia 🎤

We are really excited about the first-ever WordCamp Asia which is to be held from 21st to 23rd of February. Apart from being a part of the organizing team, we have rtCampers Imran Sayed and Muhammad Muhsin on the speaker’s list and they will be sharing their knowledge about Gutenberg and GraphQL, respectively. 🗣️

Check out the schedule and be sure to catch these informative sessions. If you’d like to meet us, do come and say sawadee krap/ka (Hello in Thai) at our sponsor’s booth. 🙏

Splice Beta

We were also looking forward to meeting you at Splice Beta  — one of our favorite conferences. But the event is postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus outbreak. 😞

If you have never heard about Splice before, then you should immediately sign up for the Splice newsletter. That’s a better way to understand why their conference is our favorite one! 😉

That is all for this month folks, we’ll see you again next month. 👋

Stay safe. 🙏

Links: MBA Case Study | rtParty 2020 | WordCamp Asia

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Authored by Sudeep Sudeep Sudeep Bhattacharya Author


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