
Releasing Gravity Forms Importer for rtBiz Helpesk

The Helpdesk plugin helps you create support tickets, manage tickets, reply to them and see nifty integrations with popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce and EasyDigitalDownloads.

But before you start using rtBiz Helpdesk, you might be wondering what happens to the data you collected via forms before you used rtBiz Helpdesk. To make things easy, we are introducing Gravity Forms importer as part of settings on rtBiz Helpdesk.

How to use Gravity importer in rtBiz Helpdesk

  • On your website’s WordPress Dashboard, look up Helpdesk Settings -> Gravity Importer.
  • Select any existing Gravity Form from the dropdown and click on ‘Next‘.
  • Map the form fields with help desk elements.
  • Import previous Gravity Form entries.
  • Can choose or choose not to import future entries in the gravity form automatically.
  • To make things easy, only when Gravity Form plugin is installed, the setting tab for gravity importer will not be shown. Else it will remain hidden.

Check out this video tutorial on using Gravity Importer settings on rtBiz Helpdesk

Look up Gravity Importer documentation here.

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Links: rtBiz Helpdesk | Demo | Buy Product


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