
WordPress 5.8 “Tatum”: Our Contributions to 23rd Consecutive Release

WordPress 5.8 “Tatum” is released today. This is the 23rd consecutive release with contributions by rtCampers. Props to Abhijit, Edi, Ankit and Kapil. 🙌

As is tradition with WordPress versions being named after a Jazz artist, WordPress 5.8 was named after jazz pianist Art Tatum.

Some quick stats

  • There were 530 volunteer contributors
  • Over 350 Trac tickets
  • Finally over 1500 pull requests on GitHub.

WordPress 5.8 Features

WordPress 5.8 ships with the capability to manage widgets with blocks. The block editor now is part of the widget section and also the customizer.

The block editor is now also available to edit templates that hold the content.

Another cool feature is that users can now colorize and stylize their images with duotone filters.

There are several more features and additions shipped with ver 5.8. You can read more about it on its release post.

Links: WordPress 5.8 Release post | 5.8 Handbook

Do you want to work with the awesome folks at rtCamp? We are hiring for the roles below 👇


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