
InspireBook – First Premium Theme from rtCamp. Made 4 rtMedia!

Today, we are pleased to release our first premium theme – InspireBook. InspireBook is a premium WordPress theme, designed especially for BuddyPress and rtMedia powered social-networks.

InspireBook Features


As name suggests, this theme is inspired by FaceBook’s user interface. We are already using it on our intranet and hope you will love this theme when building your own social network.

This theme is mainly developed for rtMedia and BuddyPress powered social networks but you can use it on any WordPress sites of your choice. It supports WooCommerce, Gravity Forms and more than 20 plugins out of the box!

Special rtMedia Features

As this is made-for-rtMedia theme, it has 2 special features which cannot be delivered from rtMedia plugin alone.

They are editing “Cover Photo” and editing “Profile Picture” as we are used to do it on Facebook.



InspireBook is responsive out of the box. We all use social networks from mobile devices, so a responsive theme will drive more engagement.

Responsive & Browser Support

What InspireBook Includes

Apart from features, when your purchase InspireBook, you will get free updates and support for 1-year for one site. This includes automatic update feature, so you upgrading will be as easy as it should be!

Also, as this is theme is developed by rtCamp, you can hire us for theme customization. Something we do not offer for others theme as a matter of policy. (Reference: why we recommend working from scratch)

What InspireBook Does NOT Include

During beta testing we received some nice feedback from some users. We have added few things in InspireBook and tried to improve it a lot.

But before you decide to buy it, we thought it’s our responsibility to clarify few missing things that may disappoint you:

  • No PSD:  This theme is work of “fiction” by Sagar Jadhav and other rtCampers. PSD was never created so it cannot be provided. We created this theme initially for our intranet only and most improvements/features are based on our own developers’ feedback.
  • No Templates/Shortcodes/Page Builder: This site is full of landing pages but InspireBook itself do not have any fancy feature to create landing pages.
  • No Theme Options for colors or fonts: There is nothing like “design mode” or customize mode. A theme option is present for adding custom-CSS, which can help you override any CSS-based thing you like.

We urge you to visit live demo site first. If you have any questions about demo site or a feature, feel free to post them in our pre-sales support forum. Finally, we offer 30-days refund policy just in case things don’t work out! 🙂

Feedback please

Even if you do not use rtMedia or need InspireBook, please let us know how do you find our first premium theme.

Links: Buy InspireBook | Live Demo | Support Forum


  1. Stephen Brian Avatar

    Great Theme. it’s Really Beautiful. Thank you very much for Sharing.

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar

      Glad to know that you like this. 🙂

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