
Wufoo to Gravity Forms importer WordPress plugin is now Free!

Few years ago we released Wufoo to Gravity content importer plugin. We got a good response from users in terms of enhancements to add and also feedback.

We are organising our list of premium plugins and felt that there were many who wanted to migrate their Wufoo form data to Gravity Forms. It would be better to actually offer this plugin as a free plugin back to the community.

You can now download use this plugin from the official WordPress plugin directory.

The plugin’s code can be found on Github. If you want to report any issues or need to make changes, feel free to send us a pull request.

If you have already purchased this plugin from our store, you can use our premium support  if you need any assistance.

Your plugin license key is valid for one year as mentioned license key will not restrict any feature of the plugin, it was just used to give future updates and premium support.

LinksWufoo to Gravity content importer plugin | Github


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