Monthly Roundup December 2018

Published on Jan 4, 2019

Hello, everyone! 👋

Hope you’ve had a great 2018 and a good start to the year 2019. You can read about our 2018 journey here.

The month of December was full of events and we bade farewell to the year in a festive mood. Let’s look back at all the moments that ended the year on a high note. 🏄‍♂️


WordCamps 🤝

The month started off with rtCampers traveling to attend local and international WordCamps, to show their continued support and love for the WordPress Community. 😇

We had some rtCampers who took a train ride to Gujarat, to attend WordCamp Ahmedabad. This group was joined by a few more remote rtCampers, based in and around Ahmedabad, who were also the volunteers for the event. Read more about our experience.

While more than a dozen rtCampers took a trip to Ahmedabad, our CEO Rahul Bansal and CBDO Vivek Jain, flew across the globe to attend one of the biggest WordCamps – WordCamp US, held in Nashville. They also participated in the WordPress NYC Meetup. Read more about our experience of the whole USA tour.

Releases & Updates ⏫

WordPress 5.0 😀

The first week of December marked the biggest release in the history of WordPress – version 5.0, which featured the Gutenberg editor, and we’re really excited about it’s potential to change the web. We, at rtCamp, cut a delicious cake to celebrate this revolutionary release and congratulate the rtCampers who contributed to it. 🍰

EasyEngine ⚙️

We released 3 versions for EasyEngine V4, this month. Followed by a much of minor releases to include bug fixes, security fixes, and few more additional features. Here’s how you can update to the latest version.

rtMedia 🎬

We also had some premium theme updates for our rtMedia plugin. The newest version of the premium theme, InspireBook, improves the design and UI of your website. Go ahead and see how it makes your site more beautiful and responsive.

Christmas celebration @ rtCamp 🎅

Finally, the time of the year arrived where we put on red Santa Claus caps and welcomed the festive Christmas season. We all got together to cut the Christmas cake, click some lovely snaps and share loads of laughter.

Team Outing 🌴 🚌

All of us are quite excited about the team outing to Tapola next month! It will be a great time to catch up and share a good time with rtCampers, new and old. We also have our Secret Santa gift exchange planned during that time, so rtCampers, make sure that you don’t forget to get your gift along! 😜

Altogether, the last month of the year was a busy one for us all but it ensured that we start off 2019 on a high! Best wishes from us and we will see you next month, with any exciting updates that we come across. 👋

Links: WordCamp US | WordCamp Ahmedabad | WordPress 5.0

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Authored by Sudeep Sudeep Sudeep Bhattacharya Author


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