
Monthly Roundup – October 2022



October marked the beginning of our elaborate hiring drive spanning till December 2022. With an ambitious target of 100 hires and a new Express Campus process, we’ve set off on a major expansion. This drive also sees us return to in-person training from the fully-remote model in effect for the last two years.

We set the ball rolling with Gujarat, where we visited six institutes with about 2000 participants. The drive will continue into November, at Pune and Mumbai. For timely updates on our training & hiring programs, you can subscribe to our campus newsletter. If you’re interested in hosting our drive on your campus, shoot us a mail at


  • WordPress Accessibility Day, a 24-hour virtual conference highlighting website accessibility best practices for WordPress websites happened on 2-3 November. rtCamper Kelin Chauhan gave a talk in one of the lightning sessions – demystifying the technical side of web a11y, and exploring how it fits into the big picture. If you’ve missed it, here are the recording & presentation slides.


  • Web Almanac, the annual state of the web report by HTTP Archive is released (jump to the CMS section here). It reports an increase in WordPress adoption by 1.4%(mobile), and 0.2%(desktop) over 2021. It also hints at lazy-loading overuse in the ecosystem, and how it impacts LCP performance.

News from Around the Web

  • Easy Digital Downloads, a staple plugin we ourselves use on rtMedia, releases a bunch of huge updates with 3.1 – including 10 new core blocks, new core settings, and feature updates like email summaries & more.

Water Cooler

Popular on our #watercooler Slack channel.

That’s all, see you next month!

Links: Campus Newsletter | Contact Us | We’re Hiring!


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