
rtCamp Completes 1-Year in its New Office

1-year back we moved from a small flat to our current office.

This (new office) is a place where from 6 rtCampers (see pics below) started with almost no experience of the corporate world or management. We made more mistakes than we had anticipated. But a quick look at numbers making us feel good and positive about the future of rtCulture.

Thank you all rtCampers for a great journey so far. The best is yet to be… 🙂


  • 20 rtCampers
  • 228 Clients
  • 332 Projects


Below are some pics taken on last day at our old-office!



  1. kapil.gonge Avatar

    Memory : I just had cut my hair a day before…and Radhe now has long “Brunette” hair 😀

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Memory #2: I miss smell of smoke filled room.
      Somehow, it was more fun to code in a room filled with smoke… hehe 😀

  2. Ashish Singh Avatar
    Ashish Singh

    And me married now…major difference

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      This difference will be there for other members (read Kapil) next year. 😀

      1. kapil.gonge Avatar

        Hoping it will be as late as possible 😉

  3. P.K.ARUN Avatar

    Congratulation guys, and new blog design ROCKS 🙂

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal


      Glad to know that. Thanks. 🙂
      By the way don’t forget to check new design in IE6 😀

  4. Michelle Avatar

    Congratulations! I too love the new design of your site. I have a feeling there will be much more success in your future!

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Thanks for wishes Michelle. 🙂
      Glad to know that you like this design.

  5. Amol Avatar

    Congrusalation Rahul and keep touch.

    1. Rahul Bansal Avatar
      Rahul Bansal

      Thanks buddy 🙂

  6. Phill OHara Avatar
    Phill OHara

    Grats RTCamp and thanks a million for all the hardwork you guys have done throughout the past for me. I look forward to more projects with you, and your dynamic team of professionals.

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