rtMedia 3.1 released with video thumbnails

Last updated on Sep 22, 2024

rtMedia has made a major leap: Thumbnails are generated for videos uploaded through our encoding service!

For those who haven’t been using our audio/video encoding service with rtMedia, our detailed plans and FAQ’s can be found here.

rtMedia administrators can now choose up to 10 thumbnails to be generated for each video.

rtMedia: Choose number of thumbnails to generate.
Choose the number of thumbnails to generate.

Our algorithm picks the best quality frames from a video to create those thumbnails. ‘Best quality’ is interpreted as the frames with the biggest sizes, which means maximum detail. The default thumbnail that shows up in your media gallery will be the best of the best.

Letting users choose

End users might want to choose which thumbnail they want from the ones generated.

The steps are easy:

  1. Go to the desired media gallery in your BuddyPress profile.
  2. Click on the video whose thumbnail you want to change, and hit ‘Edit’ on the lightbox that appears.
  3. Check the radio button next to the thumbnail you want.
  4. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.
Choosing from generated thumbnails.
Pick the thumbnail you want for your videos, as a BuddyPress member.

You can regenerate thumbnails for videos from the media library too. Just hover your mouse over the video’s name and click on the ‘Regenerate Thumbnail’ link.

Regenerate thumbnail from media library
Regenerate a thumbnail in the media library.

Thumbnails can be regenerated for several videos at once by selecting the videos and choosing ‘Regenerate Video Thumbnails’ from the ‘Bulk Actions’ dropdown.

Regenerate thumbnails in bulk.
Regenerate several thumbnails at once.

Pending thumbnails

It’s possible to regenerate thumbnails for videos that were added before you signed up for our encoding service or installed rtMedia 3.1.

In the admin navigation menu on the left, go to rtMedia→Regen. Thumbnail.

Next, click the button titled ‘Regenerate Pending Thumbnails’.

Regenerate pending thumbnails.

Can’t find the thumbnail functionality or any of the links to help you regenerate video thumbnails? Head over to this link to troubleshoot.

rtMedia 3.1: Chasing away issues

We’ve straightened out a few issues in the newest release:

  1. SQL queries are better optimized for performance.
  2. The uploader has been enhanced to work in IE 9+ and Opera.
  3. Videos are now preloaded while they run.
  4. Privacy features were made to reflect correctly across media and activity pages.

Links: Download rtMedia | Know more about our audio/video encoding serviceSubscribe to our rtMedia newsletter for updates | Avail of rtMedia’s free support

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Naweed Chougle


Naweed Chougle

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