Year in Review – 2019

Published on Jan 8, 2020

👋 Hello, everyone! We wish you all a very happy new year! 🍻

2019 has been a great year for us. We saw major client launches, numerous official events, and other significant developments take place during this year! As we look back at 2019, we’d love to tell you about all the memorable events that made our year special. 😇

Our 10th Birthday 🎂

As the entire decade ended, we turned a decade old. We celebrated this feat with a pre-rtParty in January followed by the main event in March. While we enjoyed our weeklong celebrations, we looked back at how we’ve grown with continued hard work and perseverance.

“State of the Word” mention by Matt

A very proud moment of the year was when our work was highlighted at WordCamp US 2019!

Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, spoke about the work that we did for our client, Mortgage Bankers Association, during his annual “State of the Word” speech. You can watch a clip of the same in the video below:

Client Work 🚀

We grew our enterprise clientele by onboarding a few more clients including Mortgage Bankers Association, Al Jazeera, Zola Electric, Apogee, Grazia, and Greater Kashmir.

Besides that, we continued to work and strengthen relations with our existing clients such as Penske Media Corporation, HCL, Automattic, Rotimatic, MyHarbors, and Indian Express, throughout the year. Also, in 2019, we had a great time working with the WordPress VIP team on some exciting projects.

Events 🎉

The entire year saw a lot of events that we were an active part of. 

We participated as speakers at two of the biggest WordCamps – WordCamp Europe and WordCamp US. Back home in India & Asia, we attended WordCamp Pune, Nagpur, Kochi, Vadodara, Mumbai, Udaipur, Kolkata, and Ahmedabad; while we were also a part of WordCamp Bangkok.

During the year, we contributed as speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at WordCamp for Publishers and other conferences. Other than WordCamps, we attended Splice Beta, PressNomics, WordSesh and conducted a Google event within our office premises.

We have always supported the inclusion of WordPress in education. To that effect, we designed our very own WordPress training course. We also conducted an event on Careers in Open Source and Beyond and sponsored FOSSMeet 2019 where we conducted WordPress related sessions and interacted with young, talented students.🎓

Apart from this, we also conducted several workshops on Gutenberg, React, GraphQL, and GatsbyJS.

Giving Back ♻️

rtCampers contributed to all 3 WordPress major releases and also to the WP-CLI v2.2.0 and v2.4.0 release.

We also released some new projects and updated some existing ones.

GitHub Actions Library

In March, we released the GitHub Actions Library which has a collection of GitHub Actions that automates the WordPress code review, deployments and notifies you about the same via Slack.

EasyEngine ⚙️

We had some minor releases for EasyEngine v4. Check out the latest versions – v4.0.15 and v4.0.16 which comes with an updated Nginx, PHP, support for PHP 7.4 and a feature of updating sites to available PHP versions. We also released the new version of Nginx Helper – v2.1.0 and got ourselves a new logo for EasyEngine.

rtMedia 💻

Contrary to EasyEngine, we have had a lot of new releases and updates for the rtMedia plugins and their premium add-ons. The rtMedia team also worked on many interesting articles to help site owners leverage the capabilities of rtMedia to take their site to the next level.

Stay in Touch! 🤝

We have an exciting roadmap planned for the year 2020 and we’d love to share our stories with you! Do subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out. 🤗

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Authored by Sudeep Sudeep Sudeep Bhattacharya Author


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