Today, we are releasing Log in with Google, a simple, open source, and free plugin that adds Google Sign-In to any WordPress website. We have been using the plugin on all of our properties, including, our internal handbook & cafe websites, and on project websites like EasyEngine for a year.
Like many distributed agencies, we rely on Google’s G Suite of products for email, archival storage, and collaborative document creation. A Google-linked ID is one of the first things every rtCamper receives as part of their onboarding.
With our team steadily growing and different departments relying on an assortment of products and services, we decided to enforce SSO across all our tools to simplify user account management. OAuth 2.0-based SSO backed with 2FA allows us to confidently log in to the products and services we rely on with a single click via Google Sign-In. This includes Slack, Pipedrive, Jira, HelloSign,GitLab, and now, WordPress.

Why Log in with Google?
There are other SSO plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, but many come with complex configurations and broad update requirements as a consequence of supporting several services at once. Our plugin follows the Unix philosophy, “do one thing well,” to provide a simple options page that you will likely use just once.

We hope the relatively easy setup will empower organizations within the WordPress ecosystem with an industry-standard protocol for authorization.
Log in with Google and setup instructions are available in the WordPress plugin repository.
Links: Log in with Google | rtCamp Labs Projects
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