
rtCamp Labs Plugin Release: Search with Google

We released “Search with Google”, a WordPress plugin that bypasses the WordPress default search query with server-side results from Custom Search Site Restricted JSON API. This plugin, like Login with Google, is a great addition to the user experience of any WP website.

Why server-side results?

Server-side rendering is the default way AMP pages are served. WordPress’ default search does not render its results in an AMP compatible way. We wanted a solution.


The plugin supplies search results as a pre-rendered, AMP Standard compatible page to both users and bots. The benefit of this approach is faster load times and better visibility to SEO crawlers. This is done with no changes to the results page, which continues to look like the WordPress default the website was using.

Requirements and Setup

All you need to get started is a Google API Key to identify your website to Google and a Programmable Search engine ID.

Screenshot of settings fields for Search with Google's plugin

From your WordPress Dashboard, set the API key and Custom Search Engine ID in the plugin settings via Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Search with Google Settings.

Search with Google setup instructions and further information is available with the WordPress plugin repository.

Links: Search with Google | GitHub Repo


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