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Last updated on Oct 23, 2024

Approaches to Block and FSE Development

As WordPress evolves into a block-based content platform, developers must adopt strategic approaches to block and Full Site Editing (FSE) development. Whether creating reusable components or complex page layouts, the architecture of your blocks plays a pivotal role in delivering efficient, scalable solutions.

Key Considerations:

  1. Architecture: Developers should start by understanding the WordPress Block API and decide between static, dynamic, or JavaScript dynamic blocks.
  2. Reusability and Modularity: Ensuring that blocks are flexible and reusable across various contexts is crucial for maintainable code. Naming conventions should follow best practices for consistency.
  3. Performance and Optimization: From state management to media queries, it’s essential to focus on minimizing block complexity and resource load to enhance both frontend performance and the editor experience.
  4. Templates vs Template Parts vs Patterns: Deciding which to use depends on the structure and scope of your project. Templates define overall layouts, while template parts are reusable sections, and patterns are predefined block arrangements.

State Management, Performance, and Responsive Design

Effective state management, via the WordPress data store or React hooks, helps optimize block rendering. Meanwhile, media queries should follow a mobile-first approach to ensure responsive design.

This structured approach to development allows developers to create efficient, performant blocks while maintaining flexibility across projects of all sizes.


Authored by Parth Parth Parth Vaswani Software Engineer