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Last updated on Jan 7, 2025

Version Control and Compatibility in Gutenberg Block Development

In Gutenberg block development, version control, and compatibility are essential practices to ensure the stability, maintainability, and growth of your custom blocks. Below is an in-depth explanation of the topics you mentioned, including how to manage semantic versioning, backward compatibility, and communicating breaking changes effectively.

Use Semantic Versioning for Block Updates

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a versioning scheme that conveys the nature of changes in your software. It helps developers and users understand the impact of an update on their projects. In Gutenberg block development, semantic versioning is crucial when releasing new versions of a block, especially when your blocks are used in live websites or by other developers.

Semantic versioning follows the format:


Example for Semantic Versioning in Block Development

Best Practices

Maintain backward compatibility When Possible

Backward compatibility means ensuring that existing instances of a block continue to function properly even after the block is updated. In WordPress, where blocks are often used on thousands of pages, this is crucial to avoid breaking content across sites. Here’s how you can maintain compatibility in your Gutenberg block development:

Strategies for Maintaining Backwards Compatibility

1. Preserve Existing Attributes:

When you add new features or attributes to a block, ensure that the existing attributes are preserved. Don’t remove or rename attributes unless necessary. For instance, if you want to change how a block stores its color settings, you could introduce a new attribute for the updated logic while still allowing the old attribute to work.

attributes: {

     oldColor: {

       type: 'string',


     newColor: {

       type: 'string',



2. Migrate Old Block Versions:

If you need to change how block attributes are structured, use a block deprecation or migration process. You can register deprecated versions of a block so that older versions still render correctly, while newer content uses the updated block.

const deprecatedBlock = {

     attributes: {

       oldColor: { type: 'string' },


     save( { attributes } ) {

       return <p style={{ color: attributes.oldColor }}>Deprecated block version</p>;



   registerBlockType( 'my-plugin/block', {

     deprecated: [ deprecatedBlock ],

     attributes: {

       newColor: { type: 'string' },


     save( { attributes } ) {

       return <p style={{ color: attributes.newColor }}>New block version</p>;



3. Use Transformations:

Use block transforms to allow content created with old blocks to be automatically converted to new blocks. For example, if you want to replace a paragraph block containing code with a preformatted block, you can create a transformation.

transforms: {

     from: [


         type: 'block',

         blocks: [ 'core/paragraph' ],

         transform: ( { content } ) => {

           return createBlock( 'core/preformatted', { content } );





4. Check for Feature Support:

Check if the user’s theme supports specific features (like wide alignment) before applying them. This ensures that the block remains compatible with themes that don’t offer these features.

supports: {

     align: [ 'wide', 'full' ],


Communicate Breaking Changes

Breaking changes are unavoidable at times, but they should be communicated to other developers and users who rely on your blocks. Failure to communicate breaking changes can lead to significant disruptions in how the block content is displayed or edited.

Strategies for Communicating Breaking Changes:

1. Changelog Documentation:


[2.0.0] - 2024-01-15


   - Support for new block alignment options.


   - Updated block attributes for color settings (old `textColor` now stored as `fontColor`).


   - The old `textColor` attribute is deprecated but still supported for backward compatibility.


   - Removed support for the `shadow` attribute. Please use `boxShadow` instead.

2. Version Announcements:

When releasing a new major version with breaking changes, announce the update via appropriate channels (GitHub releases,, email newsletters) with detailed information on what’s changed and why. If possible, provide migration guides for developers to update their blocks.

3. Use __experimental Prefix for Experimental Features:

If you’re introducing experimental features that may change, prefix them with __experimental. This signals to developers that these features are not finalized and may break or be removed in future releases.


attributes: {

     __experimentalNewFeature: {

       type: 'boolean',


4. Deprecate Gradually:

Instead of removing features or attributes abruptly, first, mark them as deprecated and continue to support them for a few versions before fully removing them. Deprecation allows users to transition smoothly to the new approach.


deprecated: [


       attributes: {

         oldAttribute: { type: 'string' },


       save( { attributes } ) {

         return <p>{ attributes.oldAttribute }</p>;




Summary of Best Practices for Gutenberg Block Development

By following these best practices, you ensure that your Gutenberg blocks are stable, maintainable, and easy to update, all while keeping your users informed of important changes.


Authored by Shreya Shreya Shreya Agarwal Author