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Last updated on Jan 7, 2025

Implementing Block Variations

Block variations in WordPress allow you to create multiple versions of the same block with different settings or layouts. This feature makes it easy for developers to offer various configurations without creating entirely new blocks and gives users flexibility in design.

In the image below, you can see a variation of the Paragraph Block. This variation is set up to display the current post’s primary category (or term). It includes custom settings to pull in content, apply a specific class, and show placeholder text in the editor.

Implementing Block Variations
Block binding of primary term to paragraph block

What Are Block Variations?

Block variations are alternative setups of the same block. Instead of creating a new block every time you need a different look or layout, you can use variations to modify the existing block’s attributes. These variations help users apply different configurations quickly, saving time and effort.

For example, a Button Block can have variations like:

Both are still “buttons” but serve different roles, depending on the page’s needs.

Difference Between Block Variations and Block Styles

Block variations and block styles may sound similar, but they have different purposes.

In a Testimonial Block, a variation might offer single-column or multi-column layouts. A style would only change the appearance, like adding a border or adjusting text color.

Benefits for Developers and Designers

Block variations are great for both developers and designers because they:

For example, a Hero Section Block could have one layout for text on the left and another with the image on top, using the same block with different variations.

Simplifying Content Creation

Block variations make it easier for non-technical users to build pages. Users don’t have to manually tweak settings for each block. They can choose from pre-configured options that suit their design needs. This means less time spent adjusting each block and more focus on content creation.

For example, an eCommerce store could have a Product Display Block with:

The user simply selects the variation that works best, without needing any coding knowledge.

Improving User Experience

A cluttered block editor can overwhelm users, especially with too many block options. Block variations help streamline the interface by grouping different configurations into a single block. This keeps the editor clean and user-friendly.

For instance, instead of having three separate blocks for a gallery (Grid, Slideshow, Masonry), you can offer one Gallery Block with different layout variations. Users can pick the layout they want without scrolling through endless blocks.

Core Components of a Block Variation

Block variations offer flexibility by allowing you to modify existing blocks without having to build new ones from scratch. To achieve this, it’s important to understand the core components that define and customize block variations. These include attributes, InnerBlocks, and styles, which all play a significant role in how a block variation behaves and looks.


Attributes define the specific properties of a block variation, such as layout, color, size, or any other block-specific configuration. These properties are crucial for differentiating between variations while still maintaining the core functionality of the original block.

Defining Attributes in Block Variations

When creating block variations, attributes determine the content or layout structure of the block. For instance, you can specify attributes for a Button Block to control its background color, text color, size, and alignment.

Here’s an example of defining attributes for a block variation of the Button Block:

wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation("core/button", {
    name: "primary-button",
    title: "Primary Button",
    attributes: {
        backgroundColor: "blue",
        textColor: "white",
        className: "primary-button",
        fontSize: "large",

In this case, we’re defining attributes like backgroundColor, textColor, and fontSize for the Primary Button variation. The className attribute is also important as it allows us to apply custom styles later.

Example: Customizing Block Attributes

Imagine a Gallery Block where users can switch between different layouts like Grid and Masonry. You can define variations by setting different attributes for each layout.

wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation("core/gallery", {
    name: "masonry-layout",
    title: "Masonry Layout",
    attributes: {
        layout: "masonry", // Custom attribute for layout type

This code registers a Masonry Layout for the Gallery Block. Here, the layout attribute controls the structural arrangement of the images, offering a more dynamic display for gallery content.

State and Attribute Handling

When defining attributes in block variations, it’s essential to manage default states and ensure that variations behave as expected. Attributes can define the default state of a variation, which is activated when the block is first added to the editor. Properties like isDefault ensure that the block variation automatically applies unless the user chooses otherwise.


InnerBlocks are a powerful feature of block variations because they allow you to nest other blocks inside a variation. This is useful for creating more complex blocks where the layout or content can include multiple different components.

How InnerBlocks Can Be Modified

You can modify InnerBlocks within a variation by setting up a structure where the parent block contains child blocks. This makes it possible to define different layouts that nest multiple content types.

For example, a Testimonial Block might allow you to include an image, quote, and author details, each as nested blocks within a group:

wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation("core/group", {
    name: "testimonial",
    title: "Testimonial Block",
    attributes: {
        className: "testimonial-block",
    innerBlocks: [
        ["core/image", {}],
        ["core/paragraph", { placeholder: "Enter testimonial text here" }],
            { placeholder: "Author Name", className: "author-name" },

Here, the block variation creates a Testimonial Block with an InnerBlock structure that includes an image, quote text, and the author’s name. The innerBlocks property specifies the child blocks that the variation will automatically include.

Common Use Cases for InnerBlocks


Block variations allow you to apply custom styles, either by overriding the default styles of the block or by adding entirely new CSS classes that give each variation its unique appearance.

Overriding Default Styles

When you create a block variation, you can override the default block styles to match the variation’s purpose. For example, you might want a Call-to-Action Button to have a different look from the default button style:

wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation("core/button", {
    name: "cta-button",
    title: "CTA Button",
    attributes: {
        backgroundColor: "red",
        textColor: "white",
    className: "cta-button",

Here, the cta-button variation applies a red background with white text, overriding the default button styles. The className attribute helps assign the necessary CSS for the style changes.

Custom CSS Classes for Block Variations

You can also use block variations to assign specific CSS classes for more granular styling. These classes are defined in your block’s registration, making it easy to target specific variations with unique styles.

    "name": "cta-button",
    "attributes": {
        "className": "cta-button",
        "backgroundColor": "red",
        "textColor": "white"

In the block.json file, defining a custom class allows developers to target that specific variation for styling, creating a consistent and reusable design system.

Using isActive for Styles

When registering block variations, the isActive state can help dynamically apply certain classes or styles when a block is active in the editor. This is particularly useful for ensuring that certain variations always load with the correct appearance or behavior.


isActive: (blockAttributes) => blockAttributes.backgroundColor === 'red'

In this case, the isActive property checks if the button’s background color is red to determine if the CTA Button variation is active. This ensures that the appropriate styles are applied when the variation is selected.

Creating a Basic Block Variation

In this section, we’ll dive into the step-by-step process of creating a basic block variation. You’ll learn how to use the registerBlockVariation method, customize core blocks like Buttons or Images, and manage block variations using the block.json file. Let’s keep it practical and developer-friendly!

The beauty of block variations is that you don’t need to create an entirely new block from scratch, you can extend existing blocks with different configurations or appearances.

Register a Block Variation Using registerBlockVariation

Here’s a straightforward way to register a block variation using the registerBlockVariation function provided by the Gutenberg API. This method allows you to add different variations of an existing block (e.g., changing its default attributes or adding new ones).

Let’s start with the basics. Suppose you want to create a Primary Button variation for the core Button Block:

    "core/button", // Reference to the existing core block
        name: "primary-button", // Unique identifier for the variation
        title: "Primary Button", // Display name in the block editor
        attributes: {
            backgroundColor: "blue",
            textColor: "white",
            className: "primary-button",
        icon: "star-filled", // Icon shown in the block selector
        isDefault: true, // Set this as the default block variation

What’s happening here?

This will register a Primary Button variation, preconfigured with a blue background, white text, and the custom class primary-button.

Creating Basic Variations for Core Blocks

You can register variations for any of the core blocks. Let’s extend the Image Block to create a custom variation for a gallery with a Masonry Layout.

wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation("core/gallery", {
    name: "masonry-gallery",
    title: "Masonry Gallery",
    attributes: {
        layout: "masonry", // Custom layout for the gallery
        className: "masonry-gallery",
    icon: "grid-view",

Here, we create a Masonry Gallery variation for the Gallery Block with a custom layout attribute (layout: ‘masonry’). This tells WordPress that the images in the gallery should be displayed in a masonry-style layout.

Where it gets useful: You can use this method for different variations like grid layouts, carousel galleries, or other content display options without needing a new block each time.

Adding Variation-Specific Attributes

Attributes play a significant role in customizing the behavior and appearance of each variation. They allow you to predefine settings like colors, icons, or layout structures that change based on the user’s selection.

Here’s how you can define variation-specific attributes:

        name: "fancy-heading",
        title: "Fancy Heading",
        attributes: {
            level: 2, // Heading level (H2)
            textColor: "purple", // Custom text color
            className: "fancy-heading",
        icon: "editor-textcolor",

This example registers a Fancy Heading variation for the Heading Block, where the heading is an H2 (level: 2), styled with purple text (textColor: ‘purple’). The attribute className: ‘fancy-heading’ gives you a CSS hook for custom styling.

Using block.json

While using JavaScript for defining block variations is one option, the modern approach encourages the use of block.json simplifying the registration process. This makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain, especially when managing multiple blocks and variations.

Defining Block Variations in block.json

Let’s see how you can define a variation directly in the block.json file. This file helps to configure blocks declaratively, which is great for performance and compatibility with future WordPress updates.

Here’s how you would define a Primary Button variation in block.json:

    "name": "core/button",
        "variations": [
                "name": "primary-button",
                "title": "Primary Button",
                "attributes": {
                    "backgroundColor": "blue",
                    "textColor": "white",
                    "className": "primary-button"
                "isDefault": true,
                "icon": "star-filled"

What’s happening here?

Once added to the block.json file, WordPress automatically registers this variation, making your code easier to maintain.

Key Properties in block.json for Block Variations

Here are some key properties you can define in block.json:

  1. isDefault: Marks the variation as the default option when the block is inserted. This is useful for setting a baseline that users can modify later.
  2. attributes: Pre-defines settings like colors, layouts, and more. You can pass any custom attributes needed for your variation.
  3. icon: Specifies the icon for your variation in the block editor. You can use any available WordPress dashicons or a custom SVG.
  4. description: Provides additional context for the variation in the block editor. This helps users understand the purpose of each variation.

Here’s an example with an icon and a description added:

    "name": "core/gallery",
        "variations": [
                "name": "masonry-gallery",
                "title": "Masonry Gallery",
                "attributes": {
                    "layout": "masonry",
                    "className": "masonry-gallery"
                "description": "Display images in a masonry layout.",
                "icon": "grid-view"

Takeaway: Using block.json makes the block registration process more declarative, reducing the amount of JavaScript required and keeping your codebase clean.

Block Variation Performance Optimization

Optimizing the performance of block variations is crucial for ensuring your WordPress site remains fast and efficient. Poorly optimized block variations can lead to slow page loads, increased server requests, and bloated CSS/JS files, all of which can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings. Let’s break down the best practices to avoid these issues and ensure optimal performance.

Avoiding Bloated CSS/JS

One of the main performance concerns when creating block variations is the unnecessary loading of CSS and JavaScript files. If you don’t handle the asset loading properly, your page could end up pulling in CSS and JS files for all variations, even if only one variation is being used.

The Issue:
Without careful planning, every block variation could end up loading its own CSS/JS files across the site, whether or not that variation is present on the page. This leads to CSS/JS bloat, where unnecessary assets are loaded, causing slow page load times.

The Solution:

Use conditional loading to ensure that assets are only loaded when the corresponding variation is used. For instance, you can conditionally load CSS for a variation in the block editor or front end by checking whether the variation is present.


if ( wp.blocks.isRegisteredBlockVariation('core/button', 'primary-button') ) {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'primary-button-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/primary-button.css' );

In this example, the primary button CSS is only enqueued if the “Primary Button” variation is registered and used.

Conditional Asset Loading

Conditional loading ensures that the assets (CSS/JS) required for a block variation are only loaded when that variation is used. This approach minimizes unnecessary HTTP requests and reduces the amount of code that the browser needs to parse, speeding up page loads.

How to do it:

Here’s a practical approach for conditionally loading assets in WordPress:

function enqueue_variation_styles() {
    if ( has_block( 'core/gallery', get_the_ID() ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'masonry-gallery-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/masonry-gallery.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_variation_styles' );

This checks whether the Masonry Gallery Block is present on the page and only enqueues the CSS for that layout if necessary. This way, the assets are conditionally loaded, avoiding performance issues caused by loading unnecessary styles.

Minimizing Asset Footprint

Lazy Loading and Efficient Asset Management

Another important technique for optimizing block variation performance is lazy loading. This technique allows you to defer the loading of assets or content until it’s needed (e.g. when it becomes visible on the screen). This is particularly useful for blocks that are resource-heavy, such as image galleries or video blocks.

How to Implement Lazy Loading:

Lazy Load Images or Media: Use the loading="lazy" attribute for images or iframes in your block variations. This ensures that media assets are only loaded when they are visible in the viewport.

<img src="example.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Lazy loaded image">

Defer JavaScript Loading

For block variations that use interactive JS elements (like sliders or carousels), defer the loading of JavaScript until the user interacts with the block or scrolls to that section.

<script src="example-carousel.js" defer></script>

Optimizing Asset Delivery

Make sure you’re using minified CSS/JS files for your block variations to reduce the size of the assets being delivered. Tools like Webpack or Gulp can help you minify assets automatically.

Takeaway: Lazy loading ensures that your site only loads assets when they are needed, improving initial page load times and overall performance.


Authored by Shreya Shreya Shreya Agarwal Author