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Last updated on Oct 23, 2024

Debugging Configurations

Debugging is a crucial part of the development process, and WordPress offers several built-in tools and external utilities to streamline debugging. Two primary areas of focus in WordPress debugging are using the Query Monitor (QM) plugin and WP_DEBUG constants, alongside advanced tools like Xdebug for deeper debugging. For JavaScript-heavy parts of the Gutenberg editor, tools like Redux DevTools can be invaluable for debugging the state and actions of blocks.

Query Monitor (QM) Plugin, WP_DEBUG Constants, and Xdebug

When it comes to debugging in WordPress development, using tools like Query Monitor, WP_DEBUG constants, and Xdebug is essential for diagnosing issues efficiently. The Query Monitor plugin provides detailed insights into database queries, PHP errors, and hooks. WP_DEBUG constants offer customizable error logging, enabling better control over the debugging process. For deeper debugging, Xdebug integrates with your IDE, allowing breakpoints, step-through execution, and performance profiling. Combined, these tools form a robust debugging environment for any WordPress project.

a. Query Monitor Plugin

The Query Monitor (QM) plugin is an essential tool for WordPress developers, offering insights into various parts of a WordPress application. It provides information on database queries, PHP errors, hooks, scripts, styles, and more. Here’s how it helps with debugging:

b. WP_DEBUG Constants

WordPress provides several constants to enable debugging at different levels. These constants are set in the wp-config.php file:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
define( 'JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG', false );

For more reference, please visit Debugging in WordPress.

c. Enabling Xdebug

Xdebug is a PHP extension that offers powerful debugging capabilities, such as breakpoints, stack traces, and performance profiling. It integrates with most modern IDEs like PhpStorm and Visual Studio Code.

Here’s a quick overview of Xdebug’s benefits for WordPress:

To enable Xdebug in a development environment:

  1. Install Xdebug (via pecl install xdebug or through your package manager).
  2. Configure your php.ini:
  1. Configure your IDE to listen on the specified port and start debugging your WordPress application.

Redux DevTools for Gutenberg Block Development

Gutenberg uses the Redux state management library under the hood to handle the editor’s state. For developers working on custom blocks, understanding how state changes occur is critical. Redux DevTools is a browser extension that allows you to inspect, monitor, and time-travel through state changes in your Gutenberg blocks.

Here’s how Redux DevTools aids in Gutenberg block development:

a. State Monitoring

When building custom blocks, you may use the API to manage state, such as updating block attributes, handling block selection, or syncing data between blocks. Redux DevTools helps you see how this state changes in real time:

b. Time-Travel Debugging

One of the unique features of Redux DevTools is time-travel debugging. You can “rewind” the editor to a previous state and see how it looked at any given point in time. This is especially useful for:

c. Action Comparison

Redux DevTools also allows you to compare different states before and after an action is dispatched. This is particularly helpful when debugging complex interactions in custom blocks that depend on multiple attributes or store interactions.

For example, when a user changes the alignment of a block, you can inspect the exact changes that were made to the state and compare the pre-action and post-action state trees.

Getting Started with Redux DevTools

  1. Install the Redux DevTools browser extension (available for Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
  2. Ensure that your environment supports Redux debugging by enabling logging: );
  1. Open the DevTools, go to the “Redux” tab, and inspect the state, actions, and time-travel features.


Authored by Parth Parth Parth Vaswani Software Engineer